11 Topics from Chapter 11: Weather and Climate Extreme Events in a Changing Climate
Floods and Droughts
Chen-Wei Chen
The floods and droughts sections in the AR6 report provide a similar structure and have five main components. It includes the following components: mechanisms and drivers, observed trends, model evaluation, attribution, and future projection.
This paper will follow IPCC’s same order and structure and provide readable wordings with diagrams in each component. It will summarize the findings in the IPCC AR6 report and list some highlights/ bullet points in each component. This way helps people with limited knowledge of climate change understand the critical concepts in each section. Since readers might care more about the reasons, historical observations, impact, and future trends of extreme events under climate change, we will focus on these in the four sections.
Section 1: Floods
- Definitions
Floods are the inundation of normally dry land. A flood is an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over dry land. Floods can be further defined by space, time, and the significant factors and processes involved. They can be classified into the following types: pluvial floods (flash floods), fluvial floods (river floods), groundwater floods, and coastal floods (storm surge floods).
The flood section will focus on changes in floods of streamflow and assesses changes in flow as a proxy for river floods, in addition to some types of flash floods. Pluvial and urban floods are pretty common types of flash floods. The main reason is that the intensity of precipitation exceeds the capacity of natural and artificial drainage systems, which directly link to extreme precipitation.
- Mechanism and drivers
Floods have strong connections to and complex interplay with hydrology, climate, and human management, and the relative importance of these factors in different flood types and regions. Here, we see the mechanism and main factors of river floods and flash floods.
- River floods
River floods’ main factors include precipitation intensity, antecedent soil moisture, and snow water-equivalent in a cold region. Other factors, such as stream morphology, river and catchment engineering, land-use and land-cover characteristics and changes, and feedbacks between climate, soil, snow, vegetation are also important.
Water regulation and management could increase resilience to flooding but do not eliminate very extreme floods. Very extreme precipitation can become a dominant factor for river floods, observed in the western Mediterranean, China, and the US.
- Flash floods
The main factors for flash floods include extreme precipitation, glacier lake outbursts, or dam breaks. Some urban areas with high impervious surfaces can have flash floods when very intense rainfall comes. Changes in extreme precipitation are the main proxy for inferring changes in some types of flash floods.
To sum up, changes in extreme precipitation may be used as a proxy to infer changes in some types of flash floods that are more directly related to extreme precipitation. However, there is not always a one-to-one correspondence. An extreme precipitation event and a flood event are affected by many factors, such as heavy precipitation.
- Observed trends
AR5 report provides some findings that observed changes in the magnitude or frequency of floods at the global scale with low confidence. However, the latest SR15 report released by the IPCC found increases in flood frequency and extreme streamflow in some regions but decreases in others. Most previous studies focus on river floods using streamflow as a proxy, but there is a narrow focus on urban floods.
The seasonality of floods has changed in cold regions. On a global scale, peak flow trends over the past decades are low. However, on a regional scale, parts of Asia, southern South America, the northeast USA, northwestern Europe, and the Amazon are experiencing increases, and parts of the Mediterranean, Australia, Africa, and the southwestern USA are experiencing decreases.
- Attribution
Most studies focus on flash floods and urban floods, closely related to extreme precipitation events. Factors such as land cover change and river management can also increase the probability of high floods. Some individual regions have been well studied, but some are not. Following increased winter precipitation, flooding in the UK can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change. Also, there is low confidence in the human influence on the changes in high river flows on the global scale.
- Future projections
Under global model projections, a more significant proportion of land areas will be affected by an increase in river floods than a decrease in river floods. Regional changes in river floods are more uncertain than pluvial floods because of complex hydrological processes and forcings, land cover change, and human water management.
The AR5 WGII report had medium confidence that future flood patterns increase over about half of the globe (parts of southern and Southeast Asia, tropical Africa, northeast Eurasia, and South America) and decrease in other parts of the world. On the other hand, the SR15 report had medium confidence that global warming of 2°C would result in an expansion of the global area affected by flood hazards, compared to conditions at 1.5°C of global warming.
The majority of new studies that produce future flood projections do not typically consider aspects that are important to actual flood severity or damages, such as flood prevention measures, flood control policies, and future changes in land cover. At the global scale, the research found successive increases in the frequency of high floods in all continents except Europe, associated with increasing levels of global warming (1.5°C, 2°C, 4°C). On the other hand, the projected floods are variable at the continental and regional scales. Still, a more significant fraction of regions will increase than decrease over the 21st century.
Section 2: Droughts
- Definitions
Droughts could be defined as periods with substantially below-average moisture conditions in large areas. These limitations of water availability result in negative impacts for natural systems and economic sectors.
Droughts have different types, depending on what variables used to characterize or the systems (or sectors) impacted. They could be classified into the following types:
- Meteorological droughts: when dry weather patterns dominate an area. Think precipitation deficits.
- Agricultural droughts: when crops become affected by drought. Think crop yield reductions or failure, often related to soil moisture deficits.
- Ecological droughts: when natural ecosystems are affected by drought. Related to plant water stress that causes, e.g., tree mortality.
- Hydrological droughts: when a low water supply becomes evident in the water system. E.g., water shortage in streams or storages, such as reservoirs, lakes, lagoons, and groundwater.
We cannot define drought using a single universal definition or a single measure. Drought can happen on a wide range of timescales, from several weeks to multi-year or decadal rainfall deficits. Droughts are often analyzed using indices, which measure drought severity, duration, and frequency. The indices can be single variables (e.g., precipitation, soil moisture, runoff, evapotranspiration) or indices combining different climate variables.
Here, the AR6 report focuses on changes in physical conditions and metrics of direct relevance to droughts. Each component in the following paragraphs will illustrate the idea below.
- Mechanism and drivers
Droughts happen as a combination of thermodynamic and dynamic processes. Thermodynamic processes affect atmospheric humidity, temperature, and radiation, affecting precipitation and/or evapotranspiration. On the other hand, dynamic processes could explain drought variability on different time scales.
- Precipitation deficits
Precipitation deficits are driven by dynamic mechanisms on different spatial scales, including atmospheric rivers and extratropical cyclones, blocking and ridges, dominant large-scale circulation patterns, and global ocean-atmosphere coupled patterns such as ENSO. These mechanisms occur on different scales and interact with one another. Also, regional moisture recycling and land-atmosphere feedbacks play an essential role in precipitation. One finding from previous research is that land-atmosphere feedbacks play a dominant role in affecting precipitation deficits in some regions (high confidence). These feedbacks can be either positive or negative, local or non-local.
- Excess of atmospheric evaporative demand (AED)
AED quantifies the maximum amount of actual evapotranspiration (ET) that can happen from land surfaces if they are not limited by water availability. AED is affected by both radiative and aerodynamic components. The atmospheric dryness is not equivalent to the AED, and other variables, solar radiation, and wind speed are highly relevant. The influence of AED on drought depends on the drought type, background climate, environmental conditions, and moisture availability. Under low soil moisture conditions, increased AED increases plant stress, enhancing the severity of agricultural and ecological droughts. AED directly impacts hydrological drought, and this effect increases under climate change projections. In addition, high AED increases crop water consumption in irrigated lands, contributing to intensifying hydrological droughts downstream.
- Soil moisture deficits
Soil moisture shows an essential correlation with precipitation variability. In addition, soil moisture plays a role in drought self-intensification under dry conditions. This condition will contribute to triggering “flash droughts.”
- Hydrological deficits
Drivers of streamflow and surface water deficits are complex and strongly depend on the hydrological system analyzed. Streamflow and surface water deficits are affected by land cover, groundwater, soil characteristics, human activities (water management and demand, damming), and land-use changes.
Observed trends
- Precipitation deficits
Since 1997, researchers have recorded substantial precipitation deficits in the Amazon, southwestern China, southwestern North America, Australia, California, the Middle East, Chile, and the Great Horn of Africa. Long-term decreases in precipitation are found in some AR6 regions in Africa and several regions in South America.
- Excess of atmospheric evaporative demand (AED)
AED increases have intensified recent drought events, enhanced vegetation stress, or contributed to soil moisture depletion or runoff in research (high confidence). This phenomenon has occurred in East Asia, West Central Europe, and Central and Southern Australia. The physical models also show a critical regional variability driven by other meteorological variables. Research shows an increase in New Zealand and the Mediterranean and substantial spatial variability in North America. Solar radiation and wind speed are the main meteorological variables influencing regional diversity.
- Soil moisture deficits
Limited long-term soil moisture measurements from ground observations impede research on trends. However, microwave-based satellite measurements of surface soil moisture have also been used to analyze trends. Global studies suggest that several land regions have been affected by increased soil drying and point out drying has occurred in dry regions and humid regions. Several studies suggest an increase in the frequency and areas extent of soil moisture deficits in East Asia, Western and Central Europe, and the Mediterranean. However, some analyses also show no long-term trends in soil drying in Eastern and Central North America and North-Eastern Africa.
- Hydrological deficits
In general, there is substantial spatial variability of hydrological deficits. It is evidence-based on streamflow records of increased hydrological droughts in East Asia and southern Africa. In Western and Central Europe and Northern Europe, there is no evidence of changes in the severity of hydrological droughts since 1950. In the Mediterranean region, there is high confidence in hydrological drought intensification. In Southeastern South America, there is a decrease in the severity of hydrological droughts. In North America, there are differences between studies that suggest an increase vs. a decrease in hydrological drought frequency.
Synthesis for different drought types
A few AR6 regions show observed increases in meteorological drought, mainly in Africa and South America. Stronger signals are indicating observed increases in agricultural and ecological drought. Past increases in agricultural and ecological droughts are found on continents and several regions, while decreases are found only in one AR6 region. AED has increased on average on continents, resulting in water stress during periods with precipitation deficits, particularly during dry seasons. There are increases in precipitation deficits in a few regions of Africa and South America. Agricultural and ecological droughts have increased in several regions on all continents, while only one decreases in the AR6 region. More frequent hydrological droughts are found in fewer regions.
Detection and attribution, event attribution
- Precipitation deficits
Southwestern South America and Northern Europe regions indicate that human-induced climate change has contributed to meteorological droughts. In other AR6 regions, there is no substantial evidence in the attribution of long-term trends. Attribution studies for recent meteorological drought events are available for various regions. Event attribution studies also highlight a complex interplay of anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic climatological factors for some events.
- Soil moisture deficits
Anthropogenic forcing contributed significantly to the increased land surface area affected by soil moisture deficits in western North America.
- Hydrological deficits
Regional studies suggest that climate trends have been dominant, compared to land use and human water management, for explaining trends in hydrological droughts in some regions, such as Ethiopia, China, North America, and California. The influence of human water use can be more important to explain hydrological drought trends. The research shows that human-induced climate change has contributed to an increase in hydrological droughts in the Mediterranean and changes in land use and water management. A global study implies that human water consumption has intensified the magnitude of hydrological droughts by 20%-40% over the last 50 years, especially in the Mediterranean, the central US, and parts of Brazil.
- Synthesis for different drought types
The regional evidence on attribution shows low confidence for a human contribution to observed trends in meteorological droughts at a regional scale. Human influence has contributed to agricultural and ecological droughts, which have happened in the Mediterranean and Western North America. Human influence has contributed to changes in water availability during the dry season over land areas. There is no strong confidence that human influence has affected trends in meteorological droughts in most regions. Human-induced climate change has contributed to a global-scale change in ow flow, but human water management and land-use changes are also important drivers.
- Projections
The projections show an increasing drought severity trend in southern Europe and the Mediterranean, central Europe, Central America and Mexico, northeast Brazil, and southern Africa. Uncertainties in drought projections are affected by the plant physiological responses to increasing atmospheric CO2, the soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks, and statistical issues related to considered drought time scales. Projected changes show increases in drought frequency and intensity in several regions due to global warming. There are also substantial increases in drought hazard probability from 1.5°C to 2°C global warmings.
Synthesis for different drought types:
The projected changes show that several regions will be affected by more severe agricultural and ecological droughts even if global warming is stabilized at well below 2°C, and 1.5°C, within the bounds of the Paris Agreement (high confidence). At 4°C of global warming, even more, regions would be affected by agricultural and ecological droughts. Several regions are projected to be affected by more hydrological droughts at 1.5°C and 2°C and 4ºC of global warming. The land area affected by increasing drought frequency and severity will expand with increasing global warming. Several regions will be affected by more frequent and severe agricultural and ecological droughts even if global warming is stabilized at 1.5-2°C. The projected increases in agricultural and ecological droughts strongly affect AED increases in a warming climate. Projected changes in meteorological droughts are less extended overall than for agricultural and ecological droughts and affect several AR6 regions. Several regions are also projected to be more strongly affected by hydrological droughts with increasing global warming.
Extreme Events
Daaniya Iyaz
A BRIEF SUMMARY Chapter 11 of the IPCC Report focuses on changes in climate and weather extremes on a global and regional level. For each phenomenon, it investigates the observed changes, trends, attribution, model evaluations, and the projected changes that will be seen in the future under different global warming circumstances. In this brief report, we will focus on summarizing the main observed effects, their underlying mechanisms, and future projections.
What is an extreme event?
There are two types: weather extremes and climate extremes.
- An extreme weather event is defined as “an event that is rate at a particular place and time of year.”
- An extreme climate event is defined as “a pattern of extreme weather that persists for some time, such as a season.”
- These changes can be evaluated by evaluating on changes in their frequency or changes in their intensity.
This segment of the report will cover Temperature Extremes and Compound Events.
Mechanisms and Drivers
Temperature extremes in this context refer to the “increase in the intensity, frequency, and duration of warm extremes and the decrease in those of cold extremes.” To simplify, the increase in hot extremes refers to a collective “increase in the magnitude of extreme day and/or night temperatures, in the number of warm day and/or nights, and in the number of heat wave days”, and this definition applies similarly to cold extremes. When looking at temperature extremes, the concluded main driver is greenhouse gas forcing.
Additionally, these changes in extreme event magnitude are usually larger than the overall changes in global surface temperature, and this occurs due to a larger warming effect on land than on the ocean surface and feedbacks. The specific feedbacks that are of interest in this context are snow/ice- albedo-temperature feedbacks and soil moisture- evapotranspiration-temperature. Local forcings, such as changes in land use or aerosol release, also affect the global-scale temperature extremes.
Terminology 101
Forcing: “A change in the Earth’s energy balance due to a particular factor.”
Greenhouse Gas Forcing: Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb and trap outgoing infrared radiation from the Earth’s surface, raising the energy content and temperature of the atmosphere. This is a positive forcing (increasing the energy balance), leading to global warming.
Feedback: “A response to a climate process that intensifies or minimizes the initial effect of a climate forcing.” A positive feedback would increase the initial effect while a negative feedback would reduce the initial effect.
The effect of land-atmosphere feedbacks is most prevalent in the mid-latitude regions. This particularly attributed to the soil- evapotranspiration feedback (described in the box), and the increase in sensible heat flux. When the temperature increases and soil warms, there is an increase in heat fluxed from soil to the surrounding environment, amplifying warming. Feedbacks relating to soil moisture have affected past as well as presently occurring heat waves in modeled projections and actual observations on a local and regional scale.
Relevant Feedbacks
Snow/ice albedo feedback: Warmer temperatures causes snow/ice melting, exposing darker surfaces (like the ocean). Darker surfaces reflect less solar energy back out to space, causing more energy to be absorbed on Earth. This leads to more warming.
Soil evapotranspiration feedback: Higher temperatures and droughts cause low soil moisture, and this decreases evaporation and plant transpiration. This decreases the amount of water vapour for forming precipitation, and it increases local temperatures. Without precipitation and with high temperatures, soil moisture stays low, leading to higher local temps.
Additionally, the lack of evaporative cooling from reduced plant transpiration (due to increased heat) and stomata
resistance from plants that are under enhanced CO2 conditions is a direct CO2 forcing, resulting in higher warming on land. Another feedback that plays a significant role in amplifying temperature extremes and variability in high latitudes is the snow/ice-albedo feedback. In mid and high latitudes (particularly in the Northern Hemisphere), it contributes most to the expedited warming of colder areas.
Relevant Forcings
Land use change: When humans convert the natural state of the land for human activity use, it can affect radiative forcing. When specifically looking at deforestation-based land use conversion, it increases forcing due to the CO2 emitted from cutting down or burning trees, the change in surface reflectivity, and because the resulting human activity in that area tends to release greenhouse gases (like N2O or CH4) that compounds with the released CO2.
Aerosol emissions: Aerosols (fine particles suspended in the air) mostly cause atmospheric scattering, meaning that they reflect the solar radiation back out to space. This results in a negative forcing, and a significant cooling effect. However, aerosols negatively affect human health, especially the respiratory system.
Regional and local forcings, particularly land-use change and anthropogenic aerosol release, significantly supplement variability in temperature extremes in certain regions with high confidence. In terms of land use, wide-spread deforestation to convert land to other uses has contributed to almost 33% of increased warming some mid- latitude regions when compared to the pre-industrial era. Additionally, land in densely populated city areas lends itself to the urban heat island (UHI) effect, resulting in increased warming local to these areas when compared to their surrounding regions. However, certain aspects of agricultural land use practices can lead to the opposite effect—cooling of hotter temperature extremes. Practices like irrigation, crop intensification, and no-till farming have been proven to reduce temperature percentiles in the US Midwest as well as in mid-latitude regions in our present climate scenario. Another forcing that encourages cooling is the emission of aerosols. A reduction in the anthropogenic aerosol emissions over Europe since the 1980’s led to an expedited increase in summer warming innortheast Asia and western Europe, showing how regional emissions can affect larger areas.
Observed Trends
Overall trends based on past and current observations support an increase in the frequency and intensity of warmer extremes and a likewise decrease for colder extremes. Though these temperature-related trends vary depending on spatial-temporal factors, hot extremes are almost always correlated with an increase in the hottest temperatures recorded and the number of heat waves.
As referenced in Figure 11.2 in the IPCC report, global trends depict an increase in warm days/nights and a decrease in cold days/nights as well as an increase in the coldest and hottest temperature extremes.
Fig. 11.2.
This figure depicts a timeseries of globally-averaged annual maximum daily maximum (TXx) and the annual minimum daily minimum (TNn) over land. This shows a clear increase in the mean land temperature since the 1900’s and moving forward (projections), and as mentioned in the previous section, this correlates with an overall increase in temperature extremes (annual hottest temperature and annual coldest temperature).
Figure 11.9.
Specific geographic trends, specifically the TXx, TNn, and frequency of warm days exceeding the 90th percentile for that region (TX90p), are shown in Figure 11.9 for the years 1960 – 2018. These trends display an overall warming in almost all regions (as indicated by the dark burnt umber colour), where some of the most warming is shown for TXx is shown in Europe, South America, and the Arctic, which is consistent with the feedbacks and forcings we discussed earlier (specifically deforestation, snow/ice-albedo feedback, soil evapotranspiration, and reduced aerosol emission). As we can see, some of the most prominent changes are seen by the increase of frequency for TX90p, but not depicted in Figure 11.9 is how the frequency of colder nights (TN10p) has significantly reduced since the1950’s in almost all land regions. One important fact to note is that some areas do not have sufficient data to evaluate observed and predicted variability in temperature extremes (for example, in certain areas of Africa), but the areas where there is sufficient data availability robustly reinforce the trends of increased hot extremes and decreased cold extremes.
Overall, these reported extreme temperature variabilities are virtually certain on a global scale, and on a region scale, these observed trends are very likely. Both Africa and South America have lower confidence in these trends, but that occurrence relates to fewer studies and a lack of a data availability. Warming manifests with strong intensity in the Arctic as well.
Model Evaluation
The models used to project extreme temperature events tend to match observed occurrences; however, there is a tendency to overestimate heat extremes and underestimate cold extremes. Some potential reasons for this discrepancy hypothesize that certain land forcings are not adequately represented in climate models (such as the effect of deforestation/land use) and some mitigative activities (specifically irrigation) are not integrated into models. Though deforestation of temperate areas correlates with summer warming and winter cooling, several models predict warmed daytime temperatures. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, irrigation contributes to regional cooling, and it is not always accounted for in current models.
Detection and Attribution
When looking at where to attribute the primary cause of these temperature extremes, anthropogenic activities stand out as the most likely culprit. The previous IPCC report issued that same conclusion, stating that human influence likely increased the probability of extreme heat events. The mechanism for the increase in extreme temperatures, as stated in the IPCC report, is primarily due to greenhouse gas forcing. However, forcing from certain aerosols offsets the heating, and their cooling effects can be detected over Asia and Europe. As mentioned earlier, land tends to heat faster than water and 75% of moderate daily hot extremes over land mass attribute their cause to anthropogenic warming. The signals that indicate anthropogenic causes are distinct from natural forcing, and this observation is backed by different models. Additionally, models indicate that that without anthropogenic influence, these probability for these extreme temperature events falls close to zero.
The strength of these anthropogenic forcing influences on temperature events varies per region, and a part of this is due to the feedbacks and forcings we discussed earlier. Local forcings can attenuate or amplify the warming effects of greenhouse gases, but conscious agriculture techniques, such as irrigation and crop intensification can lead to cooling, particularly in North America, Europe, and India. Despite many regional variations and increases in uncertainties on smaller, more local scales, almost all studies conclude that human influence is a significant contributor to extreme temperature events.
The increase in warm temperature extremes on a global and region overall scales linearly with global warming matters, but this observation depends on the region. When looking at the mid-latitude areas, the warming of hotter extremes can double the rate of global warming. However, the biggest increase for temperature of the coldest days will occur in the Arctic regions at a rate that is triple global warming projections. When looking at thresholds for the highest temperature extremes, the probability of exceeding the warmer extremes will increase while the cold extremes will likewise decrease with global warming projections in a non-linear fashion. Overall, when looking at trends on land, the intensity and frequency of hot extremes will increase while the intensity and frequency of cold extremes will decrease when compared to historical baselines, and the confidence of this prediction increases as the mean global warming projections increase. In fact, temperature extremes are projected to increase more strongly that global mean temperatures, indicating that things are about to get a lot warmer than they already are for us.
The broadest, most accepted definition of compound events is “the combination of multiple drivers and/or hazards that contributes to societal or environmental risk”. This definition encompasses the risk framework utilized by the IPCC, and it is what compound events will refer to in the context of this report. Compound events can be classified into four different types:
- Preconditioned events: “A weather-driven or climate-driven precondition aggravates the impacts of a hazard.”
- Multivariate events: “Multiple drivers and/or hazards lead to an impact.”
- Temporally compounding events: “A succession of hazards leads to an impact.”
- Spatially compounding events: “Hazards in multiple connected locations cause an aggregated impact.”
The two contributing categories to compound events are drivers and hazards. Drivers are any variables, processes, and occurrences in the realm of climate and weather that happen over multiple and/or various spatial and temporal domains. Many drivers are linked to anthropogenic activities, though there are naturally occurring drivers, both of which will be mentioned in later sections. Hazards refer to extreme events, such as wildfires, droughts, heat waves, floods, etc., that precede and often cause negative impacts both societally and environmentally, though they can seldom have positive effects.
When these weather/climate events occur at the same time, in close succession, or concurrently in various regions, it can lead to synergistic impacts. The extreme events can be similar types (like clustered floods) or different types (like a simultaneous drought and heat wave), and this synergistic impact occurs because multiple events can exceed the coping capacity of a system (which refers to the adequacy of available resources to alleviate the impacts of a hazard). This phenomenon has been documented for multiple hazards, ranging from droughts to wildfires to coastal flooding. These compound occurrences can cause local weather impacts, such as extreme rainfall or extreme winds, but they can also instigate disruptions in human systems, such as food prices because of the affect on crop yields.
Additionally, we have learned that climate extremes tend to be more apparent in land than over sea, especially when paired with an increase of global mean temperatures to 1.5oC or 2oC. This occurs because the heat capacity of land is less than water, meaning that land requires less heat to raise its temperature. Therefore, an increase in emerging climate extremes over land increases the probability of compounds events as well as the amount of land area that faces impacts. Concurrent extreme events that take place at different events can still impact the same sector (as mentioned with the food prices and agriculture example above), and this will also become more likely with increase in global mean temperatures.
Concurrent Extremes in Coastal and Estuarine Regions
Coastal and estuarine ecosystems are some of the most vulnerable zones out there. There are many drivers at play that determine the health of these ecosystems, such as precipitation levels, river flow, sea level rise, storm surging, wave and tide flow, and river flow. Imbalances in these factors lead to coastal flooding, and compound floods occur when multiple drivers interact to cause extreme coastal flooding events.
The United States coast has taught us that there is a positive correlation between heavy precipitation and storm surging, indicating that heavier rainfall leads to an increase in storms. Due to this dependence, the likelihood of compound flood occurrence can be ascertained via the relationship between storm surge and river flow. A similar relationship between higher sea levels (a consequence of sea level rise) and high river discharge where those synergistic drivers tend to precede compound flooding in the coasts of North America, Australia, Europe, and Japan. In fact, the synergistic relationship of the drivers is crucial to modeling flood occurrences, where single driver analyses that consider each factor (i.e., storm surge or high stream flow) as independent can underestimate flood probabilities, potentially leaving a community unprepared.
Coastal ecosystems also bear the brunt of compound precipitation and wind extremes, often causing damage to built and natural environments. These compounds wind/heavy rainfall events occur mostly in coastal regions as well as areas prone to tropical cyclones. Finally, coastal erosion can be expedited due a combination of extreme wave height and duration.
These concurrent, compound extremes have only increased in frequency and magnitude, and coastal regions in the United States and Europe see an increase in compound flooding probability mostly due to an intensification in extreme precipitation and sea level rise. When projecting under high emission scenarios, the meteorological drivers leading to compound flooding are expected to increase by 25% by 2100. Additionally, this increase in sea level rise and storm surging is projected to not only increasing the frequency but also the intensity of compound coastal flooding. These predictions are made with medium confidence.
Reminder: How do land atmosphere feedbacks work?
These feedbacks can intensify events like heat waves or drought, and their main mechanism is through soil. Higher temperatures and droughts cause low soil moisture, and this decreases evaporation and plant transpiration. This decreases the amount of water vapour for forming precipitation, and it increases local temperatures. Without precipitation and with high temperatures, soil moisture stays low, leading to higher local temps, precipitation deficits, and vapor pressure deficits.
Concurrent Drought and Heat Waves
When looking at trends over land, we see that precipitation and temperature have a strong negative correlation, and this is mostly due to land-atmosphere feedbacks. This phenomenon forms the basis of the correlation between heat waves and droughts. Compound drought and heat wave events characterized by high temperatures and reduced rainfall have been seen in California, Australia, and large parts of Europe (specifically Germany where crop growing seasons have been particularly impacted by record-breaking heat), and projections for these events predict an increased probability of occurrence under unmitigated global warming.
Out of the two co-occurring events, heat waves constitute the dominant signal, and they are credited to anthropogenic forcing, implying that compound hot/dry events will continue in frequency and magnitude even if droughts are not projected to increase. This is because the main anthropogenic forcings are tied to the burning of fossil fuels and land use change, and those emissions will not drastically decrease or cease in the immediate future (on a global scale), meaning that heat waves will also continue as they are linked.
The same land conditions associated with drought and heat waves (high temperatures→low soil moisture→low humidity) are also correlated with fire weather, which is defined as “weather conditions conducive to triggering and sustaining wildfires…”. These compound hot/dry events also exacerbate wildfire conditions, and this can be seen in California when looking at the increase of wildfire burnt areas. Since a primary driver of wildfires is vapor pressure deficit, compound burn events are linked to anthropogenic factors (as described in the box above). On a global scale, the mean length of the fire-weather season increased by 19%, and we have experienced an increase in the frequency and magnitude of wildfires as Pacific Northwest residents. Projections back up these lived experiences as compound hot and dry events are expected to increase with high confidence, and future climate variability will enhance the occurrence of severity of wildfires in various biomes.
Wrap Up
Overall, compound events are linked to the underlying mechanisms of other trends discussed in Chapter 11, such as extreme temperature events and droughts or flooding. As global mean temperatures rise and anthropogenic forcings continue, we will continue to see amplification of extreme events. However, steps can be taken to attenuate the impacts we see and promote cooling, such as the agricultural practices that were mentioned earlier. To learn more about the observations and mechanisms underlying other extreme events (like drought or storms), please read the sections done by my classmates. Thank you!
11.4 Heavy Precipitation
Alia Alhunaidi
“Heavy Precipitation” refers to instances where rainfall and/or snow exceeds its normal trends in a geographical location. This section will evaluate changes in heavy precipitation at regional (concerning a specific region or district) as well as global (concerning all parts of the world) scales. This section will focus on three different categories: Heavy precipitation at a daily scale (everyday), heavy precipitation at a sub-daily scale (every 2-4 days), and heavy precipitation at a longer scale (every 5+ days).
- 4.1 Mechanisms and Drivers
Precipitation extremes are controlled by (1) changes in moisture and (2) changes in convergence, also known as thermodynamic and dynamic processes, respectively. Thermodynamic changes due to increase in temperature cause an increase in heavy precipitation. On a global scale, this increase occurs at a rate following the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship. The Clausius-Clapeyron relationship is a way of identifying a transition between a phase to another (i.e. liquid to gas) between two phases of matter (i.e. ice and liquid). This relationship predicts the extent of moisture the air can hold, on a scale of 7% per degree Celsius rise in temperature. On a regional scale, dynamic changes due to an increase in temperature are more complex to quantify and project (Box 11.1). Extreme precipitation is heavily influenced by convergence changes through changes in environmental conditions, like storms. Storms are invigorated by latent heating, which is the heat that converts water into different forms without a change in temperature. This invigoration increases the intensity of precipitation (8.2, 3.2, Box 11.1, and Section 11.7). This is shown through the large-scale modes of variability.
Climate is defined as the long-term statistics of weather. The fluctuations of climate are known as modes of climate variability. Future projections of modes of variability are highly uncertain due to the difficulty in separating the effect of global warming from natural causes and the effect of global warming from other causes, such as anthropogenic causes (Section 2.4). This results in an uncertainty in projections of extreme precipitation in regional scales.
Uncertainty in projections of extreme precipitation may also be due to uncertainty in projections of future aerosol emissions. A decrease in aerosols, mixtures of tiny liquid or solid particles suspended in the air which may also be known as particulate matter, results in warming, thus an increase in heavy precipitation.
In many urban areas, there is a recently-identified increase in moisture in the air due to horizontal winds causing air to rise, this is due to the dense buildings in urban area that contain materials that are extremely heat absorbing, causing the “urban heat island effect,” among other factors. In addition to urbanization and changes in aerosols, precipitation extremes may also be affected by other factors including large-scale land use and land cover change.
11.4.3 Model Evaluation
Climate models are tools for predicting climate behaviors over small and large time scales, which may be used to study current climate or project future climate. “CMIP” a set of climate models that is regularly used in the IPCC reports in the past, is short for “Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project.” CMIP uses assessments of models from the past and provide projections for future climate.
In climate models, modeling and evaluate of heavy precipitation is complex due to a number of reasons, including: lack of reliable observations, as well as the spatial scale mismatch between simulated data and observed data. The key difference between simulated data and observed data is that simulated data represents the simulations of precipitation over an area, while observed data is data that is noted at a specific point at a station. A factor that relates these two concepts would be the areal reduction factor, which is the ratio between observed estimates and simulated estimates of extreme precipitation, which can be as large as 130% at CMIP6 resolutions.
CMIP6 is the newest generation of the CMIP intercomparisons. CMIP6 models are known to capture large-scale features of precipitation extremes well, including intense precipitation extremes in the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), although some biases remain. The ITCZ is where winds come together in the tropical band. The ITCZ follows the warmest ocean temperatures as they shift with the seasons. Also, the CMIP6 models perform well in capturing weak precipitation extremes in the drier areas of the tropics.
11.4.4 Detection and Attribution, Event Attribution
Greenhouse gases emissions largely contribute to the intensification of heavy precipitation over land regions. This intensification resulted in an increase in the one day and five day precipitation. This influence has had the greatest effect on North America, Europe, and Asia, where a combination of greenhouse gases and aerosol radiative forcing has affected one-day and five-day precipitation.
On a regional scale, anthropogenic influence on heavy precipitation is less robust. In a number of studies between 2017-2019, it has been found that in regions like northwest Australia and China an increase in heavy precipitation has been found, but are not related to anthropogenic influence.
11.4.5. Projections
Heavy precipitation will increase in frequency and intensity with increases in temperature due to global warming. On a global scale, however on very rare occasions (1 in 10 years), heavy precipitation will become more frequent and more intense than in the past in all continents. On a regional scale, increases in the intensity of heavy precipitation will depend on the warming in that region as well as changes in the atmosphere and its circulation that may cause changes in rates of heavy precipitation
11.7. Extreme Storms
Tropical Cyclones, extratropical cyclones, and severe convective storms all fall into the category of extreme storms. These extreme storms often have significant societal impacts, as it may destroy homes and business in communities. Extreme storms are rare events, also short-lived and may affect a small region at a time.
11.7.1. Tropical Cyclones Mechanisms and Drivers
The occurrence of tropical cyclones are modulated by large-scale atmospheric circulations, like the Hadley circulation, Walker circulation, and monsoonal circulations. The Hadley circulation occurs when air rises above the warmest ocean surface and sinks in the subtropics. Other circulations that affect cyclones are the Walker circulations and monsoon circulations.
In addition to steady circulations, tropical cyclones are affected by internal variability acting on various timescales: from inter-seasonal oscillations to inter-decadal. Due to this large range of variability, it is difficult to separate anthropogenic influences on tropical cyclones from other influences. Tropical cyclones are likely caused by aerosol forcing, as aerosol forcing affects SST patterns and clouds. Also, due to this changes, there has been speculations that the Hadley cell widened and will continue to widen in the future (Chapter 2.3,3.3,4.5). The Hadley cell is part of the Hadley circulation, its responsible for converging moisture equator-ward (towards the equator). This widening of the Hadley cell may potentially cause a latitudinal shift of tropical cyclones. Observed Trends
Characteristics of tropical cyclones have changed over time. These characteristics include frequency and intensity, with the latter having increased over the past 40 years (low confidence). The rate of increase in intensity is found in the best-track as well as the homogenized intensity data. Best track data represents the best estimates for tropical cyclones on at what location it might occur, as well as measure the intensity using the central pressure and wind speed at each point along the estimated location, or estimated track called the “storm track”. Homogenized intensity data refers to the homogenization of the data regarding intensity of tropical cyclones, where all the data is brought together and the integrity and validity of results is measured. Also, existing tropical cyclone data shows significant variations in tropical cyclone frequency and intensity, especially that the point at which tropical cyclones reach highest winds has shifted poleward in the western North Pacific Ocean since the 1940s. On a regional scale, it is unclear whether any observed changes that led to a change in tropical cyclone frequency was due to a basin-wide change, or storm track shifts, or both. Model Evaluation
Many different types of climate models can be used to study tropical cyclones and its climate changes. Studies have shown that models with horizontal resolutions of 10-60 km may lower the strength of tropical cyclones with category 4 (130-156 mph) and category 5 ( higher than 157 mph) winds. Horizontal resolutions of 1-10 km are capable of resolving the eye wall structure of tropical cyclones (circular area with no convergence at the center of the storm). Realistic tropical cyclone evolutions may be difficult to achieve with atmosphere-only models, and are more achievable with atmosphere-ocean interactions. Detection and Attribution, Event Attribution
The recent increase in tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arabian Basins is very likely due to anthropogenic influence. Human activities lead to aerosol forcing, resulting a higher probability of tropical cyclones occurring, especially in the North Atlantic. Natural variability cannot explain the increase in tropical cyclones alone, anthropogenic influences also likely caused the poleward shift of tropical cyclones in the Western North Pacific and increase in tropical cyclones globally. Studies have shown that Hurricane Harvey (Category 4, 2017) was largely influenced by climate change due to human activity, as it contributed to extreme rainfall amounts. Projections
It is very likely that average high tropical cyclones wind speeds and category 4-5 wind speeds will increase with global increase in temperatures. On a regional basis, it is likely that category 4-5 tropical will become more frequent over the western North Pacific. Also on a regional basis, low-level moisture convergence increases as a result of an increase in tropical cyclone wind intensity. This causes tropical cyclone rain rates to increase at greater than the Clausius-Clapeyron scaling rate of 7% per degree Celsius. On a global scale, it is likely that the frequency of tropical cyclones will decrease or stay at the same rate.
11.7.2 Extratropical Storms
Extratropical storms are caused by differences in temperature, where the difference in temperature causes two different groups of air to meet and produce a “weather front” or boundary in the center. The most powerful extratropical storms are classified into two categories, strong or extreme. This classification depends on how intense the storm is, or whether it is associated with extremes occurring in variables such as precipitation or near-surface wind speed. Model Evaluation
CMIP6 and CMIP5 are considered to be coarse-resolution climate models. Course-resolution climate models have the ability to record large areas, even on a global scale. However, coarse-resolution climate models underestimate the number of explosive systems over the hemispheres (systems showing a decrease in mean sea level pressure drastically over a short period of time) as well as the dynamical intensity of extratropical cyclones. This underestimation of intensity is most likely associated with the coarse horizontal resolution of climate models. Also linked with the intensity of extratropical cyclone is the formation of clouds and the inability of current climate models to resolve diabatic processes well (i.e., those related to latent heat release). Detection and Attribution, Event Attribution
Human activity most likely caused the poleward shift of storm tracks in the Southern Hemisphere, especially emissions of ozone-depleting substances. Ozone-depleting substances like the now-banned chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) reduced concentrations of ozone in the ozone layer. Projections
Average and maximum extratropical storms rainfall rates will increase with increase in temperature, how much it will increase depends on the increase in water vapor in the atmosphere. Changes in the location of storm tracks cause significant changes in extreme wind speeds.
11.7.3 Severe Convective Storms Mechanisms and Drivers
The synoptic-scale weather system, also known as the cyclonic scale, is a scale of 1000 kilometers or more in length in the horizontal. Severe convective storms, tropical cyclones, and extratropical cyclones are considered to be on the synoptic scale. However, severe convective storms may also be considered as part of mesoscale convective systems. Mesoscale convective systems are smaller than synoptic scale weather systems. Severe convective storms may be heavier than regular thunderstorms, but more mild compared to extratropical cyclones. Although they may be considered as mesoscale convective systems, they are a special type of MCSs, as they are large and long-lived.
The necessary conditions for severe convective storms to occur is unstable stratification, sufficient moisture in lower and middle levels of atmosphere, as well as a strong vertical shear (winds changing with height). Stratification in the atmosphere results in different layers in the atmosphere due to different density throughout the atmosphere, and unstable stratification is that the higher you go in the atmosphere, the higher the density, causing instability in the air. Atmospheric static stability (determined by the stratification of the atmosphere), moisture content, convective available potential energy (the higher the CAPE the more unstable the atmosphere is), and convective inhibition (the amount of energy that can turn into kinetic energy and produce storms) are metrics used to examine severe convective storms. Model Evaluation
Two different modeling approaches are usually used to study changes in severe convective storms. The first modeling approach is to use “convection-permitting models in wider regions or the global domain in time-sliced downscaling methods to directly simulate severe convective storms” (IPCC AR6). The second modeling approach is to analyze “the environmental conditions that control characteristics of severe convective storms by using coarse-resolution GCMs” (IPCC AR6) Detection and Attribution, Event Attribution
It is very difficult to detect changes in time and space of severe convective storms. However, this is not the case for event attribution, such as the study that was done in Japan in 2019, around a heavy rainfall event that occurred in 2018. The study shows that the precipitation during this event increased by about 7% due to rapid increases in temperature around Japan. In some cases, such as the disastrous rain storms that occurred in the US in 2018, there was not a lot of evidence supporting that extreme rainfall associated with severe convective storms has increased. Projections
On a regional scale, the average and maximum rain rates associated with severe convective storm increased due to global warming (i.e. USA). Also in response to global warming, the convective available potential energy (CAPE) increases in the tropics and subtropics, further causing severe convective storms to become more frequent, as shown by climate models.
11.7.4 Extreme Winds
Extreme storms may include extreme winds, which is defined as the strongest near-surface wind speeds. Tropical cyclones, extratropical cyclones, and severe convective storms are all associated with extreme winds.
In the tropics and midlatitudes in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, a decrease is wind speed near the earth’s surface, also known as stilling, has been found. However, at poleward mid-latitudes of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, an increase in wind speed near the earth’s surface was found. Stilling may be due to increase in vegetation, or other factors.
Changes in extreme winds may be due changes in the location, frequency, and intensity of extreme storms. For tropical cyclones, as shown in section, windspeed increases with global warming, while the frequency on a global scale decreases or does not change. For extratropical cyclones, CMIP5 climate models show that those associated with extreme winds decrease in regions such as the mid and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in the winter, as well as the Atlantic.