
5-1 Foundation of Successful Learning

This session gives an overview of language program models.

Before we start discussing different instructional approaches related to language use, it is important to remember the factors that always serve as the foundation for high-quality early learning.

Any ideas as to what those factors might be? What are some things that could help facilitate children’s learning, no matter what topic you are teaching?

We’ve already covered some of these concepts and we will keep discussing them in future sessions, as they are crucial strategies that facilitate learning.

Positive & nurturing relationships: This is paramount since positive and nurturing relationships, especially with educators, provide children with the necessary security and safety to explore, learn through mistakes, and express their emotions. Learning happens in the context of relationships with others, so positive relationships and children’s learning are interdependent.

Developmentally appropriate practice: Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) is about providing activities or teaching children in a way that is appropriate for their age, individual needs, and cultural context (Early Head Start National Resource Center, 2011).

Intentional teaching: We discussed this during our first session. What does it mean to be an intentional teacher? Intentional teaching means knowing when to utilize certain strategies to support children’s learning and having very specific goals in mind when utilizing certain strategies (Epstein, 2009).

For children who are multilingual learners with disabilities, it is important to rely on each of these strategies and a tiered approach to individualization. Education staff may look specifically to the roof of the Framework for Effective Practice, which is Highly Individualized Teaching and Learning, for children who may need additional support.

Read the Introduction to a series about language development (The Big 5) by the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning to learn more about laying the foundation for more individualized, culturally, and linguistically responsive learning experiences for children who are multilingual learners and who also have disabilities or suspected delays.


Early Head Start National Resource Center (2011). News you can use: Developmentally appropriate practice. News for Head Start, Early Head Start, & Migrant/Seasonal Head Start Programs. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/nycudap.pdf

Epstein, A. (2009). Think before you (inter)act: What it means to be an intentional teacher. Exchange, pp. 46-49.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017). Promoting the educational success of children and youth learning English: Promising futures. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Pages 107-125.

National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (n.d.). The Big 5 Highly individualized teaching supplements: Introduction. [PDF]

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EarlyEdU Alliance (Publisher). (2020). 5-1 Foundation of Successful Learning. In Supporting Multilingual Learners Course Book. University of Washington. [UW Pressbooks]


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