Welcome to the EarlyEdU Course Instructor Guide
This course instructor guide is a comprehensive resource to set you up for success in teaching EarlyEdU courses. In this guide, you will find information about the EarlyEdU Approach and course logistics, adaptations, and components.
This guide also includes information about ways EarlyEdU is committed to creating equitable, inclusive learning experiences, and we are excited to partner with you to help deliver them. That is why throughout this guide we provide considerations for ways you can cultivate a learning environment where everyone can thrive.
We encourage you to seek additional resources, ask course participants for their feedback, and regularly reflect on ways you can be responsive to all the learners in your course. The EarlyEdU community is robust and includes many people who exemplify what it looks like to teach with diversity, equity, and inclusion at the forefront. Please consider sharing your own tips and strategies and engaging with your peers in our monthly meetups (EarlyEdU Live! Course Conversations), where Alliance members from across the nation gather to learn from one another.
At EarlyEdU we recognize that this work is never done, and we will continually update this guide as a result. We welcome your feedback about ways we can better serve both you and your course participants.
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About this Guide
This Instructor guide (and companion Participant Guide) uses Pressbooks technology to provide the content that is viewed online as a webbook that you can highlight and annotate. In this guide, links to external sources are marked with
and will open in a new browser tab.
Using the Guide
It can take a little time to get used to the Pressbooks Reading Interface. Here are a few more ways to interact with this guide:
Searching a Webbook
You can use the search function of this webbook to look for any term throughout the book and display a list of all the pages that include that term. The search box is usually found in the upper right of the header when viewing from a standard web browser.

Navigating a Webbook
Pressbooks webbook navigation is the same whether you are on a desktop, laptop, or mobile device. From the Pressbooks User Guide:
At the bottom of the reading interface are three buttons that let you navigate through the book.

The bottom left of the screen is a button that reads ← Previous: [post title]. Clicking this button navigates the reader to the previous page in the book. Similarly, the bottom right of the screen displays a button that reads Next: [post title] → and navigates the reader to the next page in the book when clicked. These actions can also be executed by using the left and right arrows on your keyboard.
The third button is an arrow in middle that points straight upward. Clicking the Up button will bring the reader all the way back up to the top of the page they are reading. All three of these buttons are sticky and move with you as you scroll up and down the page.
Annotating a Webbook
Learn more about annotation in Pressbooks on the next page. We hope you will use this guide as a reference when teaching EarlyEdU materials.
A Pressbooks webbook is a website instead of a file. Webbooks can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.
The webbook includes the navigation arrows attached to the bottom of the page to navigate backward or forward within the website. At the middle of the page bottom is an arrow that points upward to bring you back to the top of the page.
See more at The Pressbooks Reading Interface