
EarlyEdU Approach

Course Elements

EarlyEdU courses are available both online (using Canvas or another learning management system) and in-person. The courses have been developed since 2014, so while the underlying approach is consistent, the appearance or structure of courses can vary. Along with a package of supplemental resources that help instructors and participants learn to use the EarlyEdU approach and navigate course technology, each course also comes with the following components.

In-Person Course Materials and Resources

Getting to Know the Course

  • Syllabus: Outlines objectives, readings, learning activities, assignments, content, and grading recommendations associated with the course. Customize the syllabus with your institution’s academic calendar, guidance on student accommodations and supports, equity guidelines, and assignment information.
  • Session overview: An outline of each session with information on objectives, required materials, class activities, and assignments.
  • PowerPoint presentation: A slideshow of course content, including all videos, class activities, and assignments.
  • Presenter Notes: Detailed talking points for each slide with added contextual information and course management tips for instructors. Presenter Notes may be found in a separate document or in the “Notes” section of the PowerPoint presentation.

Activities and Assignments

  • Assignment documents: Includes readings, video recording, observing and reflecting. Assignments that include video generally mean participants will be using Coaching Companion to observe children and educators or to record and upload video of themselves working with children. In some cases, you will need to set up Coaching Companion assignments. Assignments that include CORP indicate that participants will reflect and provide feedback on peers’ uploaded videos.
  • Handouts for in-class learning activities: Provided when participants need more detailed information than what can be included on a PowerPoint slide in order to complete a class activity. Not all learning activities include handouts

Online Course Materials and Resources

Getting to Know the Course

  • Syllabus: Outlines objectives, readings, learning activities, assignments, content, and grading recommendations associated with the course. Customize the syllabus with your institution’s academic calendar, guidance on student accommodations and supports, equity guidelines, and assignment information.
  • Course Schedule of Assignments: Lists all the course’s assignments by session, including knowledge checks and discussions. Contains a column to insert due dates.
  • Instructor Notes: Provides session-by-session course management tips and action items integrated into the online course workflow.

Online Activities, Assignments, and Assessments

  • Assignments: Includes readings, video recording, observing, and reflecting. Assignments that include video generally mean participants will be using Coaching Companion to observe children and educators or to record and upload video of themselves working with children. Assignments that include CORP indicate that participants will be reflecting and providing feedback on peers’ uploaded videos.
  • Knowledge checks: Short quizzes to assess participants’ knowledge at the end of each session.
  • Discussions: Online forums where participants can engage in discussion surrounding course topics and ask questions about course logistics and technology.

Downloadable Resources for Participants

  • Course book PDF: PDF of all the session lecture content that participants can mark-up and save for reference after completing the course. Some courses (since 2019) contain multiple course books which may be downloaded in a single ZIP file.


EarlyEdU Course Instructor Guide Copyright © by EarlyEdU Alliance. All Rights Reserved.

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