DEI Audit Process

Step 3: Practice Norming and Scoring


The DEI rubric is designed based upon a scoring system. To get meaningful results from the audit process, all the individuals who will be assigning scores to items on the rubric must establish consistency.


Gather as a team to come to a shared understanding for the meaning of each score on the rubric.  As individual team members, navigate to the “Course Overview” tab on the DEI rubric. Practice scoring each item.

Associated resource


Each standard on the rubric is scored as follows on a scale of 0 to 4:

0 = Not applicable

1 = Not met

2 = Partially met

3 = Mostly met

4 = Fully met

Before any group begins the audit process, come to a shared understanding about what each number means when scoring each session of a course. We define each score like this:

Rating: 0 = Not applicable

This means the standard is not present in a particular session, and that is okay. The session does not require updates related to this standard.

Not every standard must be present in every session. For some standards on the rubric, we are looking for it to be represented well across an entire course.

Example standard: A20–Readings across the session explicitly address topics of privilege, intersectionality, oppression (racism, sexism, classism, ableism, linguistic oppression included), diversity, inclusion, culture, racial and systemic inequities which encourage participants to reflect on their own biases and practices.

This standard may not be applicable in every single session. But when we look at the course as a whole, it should show up.

Rating 1 = Not met

This means none of the criteria within the standard are present in a particular session, but it should be there. The session requires updates related to this standard.

Example standard: A14–Content is delivered in a variety of forms (audio, video, written, etc) and includes supportive materials (e.g. glossaries, illustrations, videos, interactives).

If the entire session is written content, it would be scored a 1. The standard is not met, and there should be other ways the content is delivered (videos, interactives, etc.) along with supportive materials, if necessary.

Rating 2 = Partially met

This means that some of the criteria within the standard are present, but it is mostly unmet. The session requires updates related to this standard.

Example standard: A12–Content includes evidence based and/or emerging practices for children and families who are dual language learners, or multilingual

The session includes a scenario about collecting information from a family related to a child who is not very vocal in the classroom – it says the provider thinks the child speaks English only at home and in the program. Students are then prompted to think about what questions they have for the family. Missing–information about how to talk with and gather information from families when you don’t speak the same language.

Rating 3 = Mostly met

This means that almost all of the criteria within the standard are present, but there is an element missing. The session requires updates related to this standard.

Example standard: B1–There is a visual outline or diagram structure of the course. All course topics organized by themes and session outline

The course is well-organized. In the modules page, the content is divided in session segments, and it is easy to identify where learners will find content, discussions, and assessments. There is also a second way to navigate the course through the outline provided in the session introduction page. Update–There are a couple sections with names that are too similar, and the participant could get confused.

Session 6 Section 3: Areas of Ongoing Assessment Continued
Session 6 Section 3: Ongoing Assessment Continued

Rating 4 = Fully met

This means that all the criteria within a standard are present. The session does not require updates related to this standard.

Example standard: B5–There are multiple ways for students to learn content topics. Include text, video, audio, images, and interactives.

The pages contain images, text, charts, and video. This session has a bit more interactive elements than session 6 as it uses expandable toggles to ask questions and provide answers after watching the video.

    • Video, text, and images (Session 7 Section 1; Session 7 Section 1: Assessment Tools and DLLs)
    • Text and charts (Session 7 Section 2)
    • Text and images (Session 7 Section 3)
    • Text and video (Session 7 Section 4)
    • Text, images, and charts (Session 7 Section 4: How Do You Plan to Assess? Continued)
    • All elements (Session 7 Section 4: When to Assess)


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EarlyEdU DEI Course Audit Toolkit Copyright © by EarlyEdU Alliance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.