DEI Audit Process

Step 1: Conduct Kickoff Meeting


To come together as a team and introduce the project


Meet as a whole team. Consider incorporating the following items into your agenda:

  • Define your team’s purpose and goals. Why are you doing a DEI audit? What do you hope to achieve by doing it?
  • Take time to reflect individually and/or as a team on ways in which your biases, life experiences, and cultural backgrounds may influence the work ahead. Plan for ways you can engage in ongoing reflection throughout the entire auditing process.
  • Scan the DEI rubric together and review its overall structure.
  • Discuss processes. Briefly overview the steps involved to go from the pre-audit all the way to releasing updated materials.
  • Assign tasks to individual team members.
    • Tasks on the pre-audit checklist
    • Specific sessions each team member will be responsible for auditing

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EarlyEdU DEI Course Audit Toolkit Copyright © by EarlyEdU Alliance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.