DEI Audit Process

Step 6: Debrief Session Audits


To bring together individual audit findings into a more cohesive whole that provides insight into overall themes and trends related to DEI.

Preparation for the debrief

Prior to the debrief meeting, make sure you’ve completed auditing your session(s) and have assigned a level of impact (low, medium, high) to each standard scored in the rubric. This will help you reflect on noticeable themes or trends, high impact areas or issues that need immediate attention, assignments, readings, or specific design issues that need improvement. Finally, in order to be better prepared for the debrief process and ensure a highly productive and efficient discussion with the team, prepare any notes, thoughts, and questions pertaining to content and/or course design that relate to DEI ahead of time.

Associated resource

Debrief discussion process

Gather as a team to share and reflect upon your findings from the audit. This process is not linear, as there are multiple pathways the team can take to complete this step of the audit. The team may decide to focus on the more general areas related to the course first, and move on to session-specific areas second, or vice versa. Additionally, the team might feel more comfortable discussing both course-wide and session-specific topics simultaneously. The team has ownership of the process and should make decisions that best fit their needs.

The following questions can support the debrief discussion by helping to identify areas of strengths and needs related to DEI, recognize course-wide and session specific themes and trends, and yield actionable steps that will support the course revision process. Please use these questions if they are relevant to your discussions and context. Otherwise, we encourage you to revise these to better fit the needs of your team.

Course-wide debrief questions

Not every standard must be present in every session. For some standards on the rubric, we are looking for it to be represented well across an entire course. Therefore, it is useful to have a focused conversation on the course as a whole, and make note of course-wide revisions that require attention.

Focus: Averages by category

Refer to the “Audit Progress Dashboard” tab and the “Averages by Category” section. Scores less than 2.5 will automatically have highlighted background color.

  • What are we doing well? Where are our strengths? (scores above 2.5)
  • Which standards or categories need improvement? (scores 2.5 and below)

Completed example

Spreadsheet view
Averages by category with lower scores manually highlighted.

Focus: General reflection questions

  • What trends or themes were observed?
  • What are the categories or standards that require a low level of effort to revise?
  • What are the categories or standards that require a medium level of effort to revise?
  • What are the categories or standards that require a high level of effort to revise?

Session-specific debrief questions

It is equally useful to have a focused conversation on the session specific areas, items or standards, and make note of session-specific revisions that require attention.

Focus: Scores dashboard

Refer to the “Content Scores Dashboard” and “Design Scores Dashboard tabs”. All scores should be whole numbers and scores of 2 and 1 will automatically have highlighted background color.

  • What are we doing well? Where are our strengths? (scores 3 and above)
  • Which standards or categories need improvement? (scores below 3)

Completed example

Spreadsheet view
Design scores dashboard of all the sessions. Noticeable highlighted scores for unpublished alternate assignments.

Focus: General reflection questions

  • What trends or themes were observed in this session?
  • What are the sessions that need the most work? What are the findings for those sessions?
  • What are the suggestions for improving the content/design in the sessions we need to work on?
  • Which standards don’t need to be applied to every session? Why? (Review the standards specifically scored with 0)


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EarlyEdU DEI Course Audit Toolkit Copyright © by EarlyEdU Alliance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.