Course Design Standards

Category: Inclusive environment

The learning environment of the online classroom in the learning management system should strive to include all types of learners regardless of prerequisite abilities and understanding of the learning topics.

Standard B8: Content in multiple ways


There are multiple ways for participants to learn content topics by including text, video, audio, images, and interactives.

This standard is related to the UDL principle: Provide multiple means of Representation. We strive to include alternatives for auditory and visual information that may be contained in videos, diagrams, and podcasts. Alternatives may not be an exact replica but provide equivalent information needed to understand the content being presented.

DEI Application

Multiple content types will serve neuro-diverse learners, and sight- or hearing-impaired learners. For learners who are not fluent in English, the images may provide further understanding.


In the Child Development: Brain Building course, there is a mix of video, text, and visual content, including interactives.

Paragraph of explanation preceding images of examples.Interactive graph with explanations.

From the Learning Leaders course, content is provided in different formats through tabs.

Tabbed browsing page showing different elements of explore, read, watch, and references.

Standard B9: Accessible video and audio


Video and audio components should provide captions or transcripts and explain how to enable captions for closed caption services.

DEI Application

Learners who struggle to hear the audio or are learning English language will benefit from having the captions available, especially with unfamiliar terms. Text transcripts also allow learners to search for keywords within a video or podcast.


Transcript instructions at the bottom of a video in Child Development: Brain Building

Bottom view of video element showing sentence after including a link to the transcript.


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EarlyEdU DEI Course Audit Toolkit Copyright © by EarlyEdU Alliance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.