
Here is the full set of documents you’ll need to conduct your own DEI audit. These resources are intentionally delivered as Google Suite documents for you to USE TEMPLATE to get your own copy and use; you will need to be signed into a Google account to see the template.

DEI Audit Kickoff Guide

Use the DEI Personas to springboard discussions about course features and interventions when considering the purpose of performing the DEI course audit with your institution.

The EEdU DEI Course Audit – Kick-off Meeting slides are useful to help your team get started and define the roles and responsibilities. There are four parts to this in this slide deck that can be used a various stages in your audit journey:

  1. Introduction to the DEI Audit Project
  2. Getting Familiar with the DEI Audit Tool and Process
  3. Preparing to conduct the DEI Audit
  4. Conduct the DEI Audit

DEI Audit Rubric

The audit tool itself is a spreadsheet with specific tabs for overall audit progress (with assigned sessions), pre-audit tasks, course bibliography, course overview, course content audit and course design audit for 15 sessions, and compiled score dashboards for content and design session audits.

DEI Audit Debrief Tool: Course Revision Plan

A productive debrief discussion will result in specific actionable steps or tasks required in order to improve the DEI content and design of a course. The team may utilize the Course Revision Plan forms to organize the specific tasks of the plan.


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EarlyEdU DEI Course Audit Toolkit Copyright © by EarlyEdU Alliance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.