DEI Audit Process

Step 5: Audit Sessions


To apply the DEI rubric to your materials and gather specific information about areas of strength and areas for improvement.


As individual team members, use the DEI rubric and Reference Guide to audit your assigned sessions. Keep track of your notes and findings in preparation for the next step, a whole-team debrief.

Take note of the action items that emerge from your findings and label each one with the level of impact you think it will have on the course.

High Action items that will significantly improve the materials and have a profound effect on the users’ learning experience. Your team may view them as essential to making a meaningful DEI update.
Medium Action items that will improve the materials and have a major effect on the users’ learning experience.
Low Action items that will improve the materials and have a minor effect on the users’ learning experience.

Holding Check-in Meetings

It is recommended that team members check-in with each other regularly throughout the time period designated for each individual to audit different sessions.

Come together as thought partners to discuss the various questions that will come up during and after auditing independently. For example, you may be unsure how to score a certain finding and having your team members’ perspectives will help you decide. Or you may want help clarifying whether a specific finding is in fact a DEI issue. Or you could be unsure where a finding belongs on the rubric (which standard it matches), and your team can help you find the best place.

Associated resource

  • EEdU DEI Rubric Spreadsheet – Update the Audit Progress Dashboard tab with the names of the auditor for each session and add the name to the associated session tab.

Using the Rubric Reference Guide

The Rubric Reference Guide describes all of the standards and provides examples and further explanations. Consult this Rubric Reference Guide when actively scoring a course or during course (re)development to ensure you are meeting DEI standards.

The Reference Guide includes three parts:


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EarlyEdU DEI Course Audit Toolkit Copyright © by EarlyEdU Alliance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.