Using Webdam
Webdam Overview
Webdam is Cultivate Learning’s digital asset management system, and this system allows us to organize, store, share, and collaborate on digital files. For training support, including videos, how-to guides, and additional resources, refer to the Support Summary in the Webdam and Media Libraries Toolkit on the Resource Development Portal.
Logging into Webdam
The username and password to access Webdam is shared as part of the onboarding process.
Webdam Folders
Webdam is organized by various folders. Each folder may have a different type of asset and a different way of annotating. This handbook is organized to align to Webdam’s folder structure. (The image below is for reference only. Folders may have been removed or added since this section was written.)
Searching and Sorting Tips
Click the File Filters tab on the left side of the screen to sort by image, video, document.
Type “unlogged” in the search box to find assets that need annotating in specific folders. There are other ways to search for unlogged assets too, but start with this tip!
Select a folder. Use the double arrow icon at the top of the screen to sort assets. Date uploaded can help you to code the newest material first.