
High-Quality Interactions

Interactions: Scaffolding Children’s Learning

These interactions are about the early learning professional’s (ELP’s) support for children’s learning based on their developmental level. When coaching for this interaction, provide feedback on how the ELP supports children in performing a task or understanding a concept. You can also measure how children are responding to the scaffolding provided to them by the ELP.

Informational Video

From the Office of Head Start, this brief (2:54) video describes why scaffolding is important and how it fits in with the House Framework.

Explanation Video

Kelli Heikkila describes the Video Highlights Criteria: Scaffolding Children’s Learning (2:34) and how the early learning professional (ELP) supports children in performing a task or understanding a concept by modeling the activity based on the individual child’s needs and developing self-regulation skills.

Infant Exemplar Video

In the video, Scaffolding Learning With Infants (2:00), the early learning professional (ELP) provides scaffolding to the infant throughout the video by remaining in close proximity while holding a book and brining attention to the features of the book. Notice when the ELP interacts with the child in back-and-forth conversations and responds to the needs of the infant.

Toddler Exemplar Video

Watch the video, My White Shoes (2:41),  with an ELP and a small group of children read a book together. Notice when the ELP provides individualized support to the children.

Preschool Exemplar video

In the video, How Did I Get Green (1:38), the ELP is providing individual support to a small group of children painting at a table. What do you notice about how the ELP responds when different children ask questions?

Coaching this Interaction with Wendy Jans

In Coaching Interactions that Support Scaffolding Children’s Learning (10:21), Wendy explains why scaffolding is important, what it looks like, coaching strategies including tips of an instructive coaching session after a focused observation.

Slides available: PBC3-CoachingInteractions-SupportScaffoldingLearning


Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8, Fourth Edition (Fully Revised and Updated). (2021). United States: National Association for the Education of Young Children. [Book]


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