High-Quality Interactions
Interactions: Positive Social Skills
These interactions are between children and about how the early learning professional (ELP) supports the development of positive social skills. You can measure how the interactions between children are supported through the ELP encouragement of facilitation, the opportunities for peer connections, and the ELP modeling of positive and productive interactions.
Explanation Video
Molly McNeal explains the criteria Interactions Between Children are Supported (2:54)
Infant Exemplar Video
In the video, Extending Learning with Infants (1:45), an ELP demonstrates positive nonverbal interactions while sitting on the floor closely with two infants. Notice how the ELP supports peer interactions by positioning the infants.
Toddler Exemplar Video
Watch the video Building Towers (3:14) where an ELP encourages positive interactions through a block play with a small group of children. What ways does the ELP encourage and model positive interactions among the children?
Preschool Exemplar Video
The video Listening to Children (1:29) involves an outdoor play activity with an ELP facilitating a back-and-forth discussion between two children. Notice the ways the ELP encouraged the use of words and the non-verbal interactions among the children.
Coaching this Interaction with Wendy Jans
Wendy Jans describes Coaching for Interactions that Support the Development of Positive Social Skills (11:01) by starting with what those interactions look like a different age groups and then how to support an educator help to setup and model those peer interactions.
Slides available: PBC3-CoachingInteractions-PositiveSocialSkills
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