
High-Quality Interactions

Interactions: Behavioral Expectations

These interactions are about how the early learning professional (ELP) establishes learning environment supports and behavior expectations for children. You can measure how behavior expectations are set, the active supervision of children, and the ways in which the ELP support the development of conflict resolution and self-regulation, and the children’s receptiveness to the positive support.

Explanation Video

Asiya Mohammed explains the criteria for the QUIC tool in the Behavior and Learning Environment Supports Informational Video (2:55). She includes specific examples of what it looks like when the ELP is engaged with providing behavioral supports.

Infant Exemplar Video

The video Good Morning and Book Time (1:58) shows a circle time whole group activity with infants and toddlers and three ELP singing a “Good Morning” song. Notice how the ELP model behavior expectations, are there any missed opportunities?

Toddler Exemplar Video

In Using Turtle Technique (2:07), another circle time activity has the ELP reading a book to children about general rules and expectations of being friendly in addition to talking about emotions and feelings. What do you notice about the other ELP in the activity?

Preschool Exemplar Video

Watch Transitions Letter R (1:30) with an ELP supervising children during a whole group music and movement activity and then transitioning to hand washing. Notice how the ELP shares the behavior expectations with the children and how the ELP also resolves issues.

Coaching this Interaction with Wendy Jans

In Coaching for Interactions that Support Children in Knowing and Meeting Behavior Expectations (9:13), Wendy Jans explains why it’s important, what support children look like, and coaching strategies to support children in knowing and meeting behavioral expectations.

Slides available: PBC3-CoachingInteractions-SupportBehavioralExpectations


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