
High-Quality Interactions

Example Focused Observation: Interactions that are Responsive to Children’s Needs

The following is an example of what a focused observation debrief would look like when coaching for high-quality interactions with an educator working with preschool children.

Educator SMARTIE Goal

📌 Specific: I will be more responsive to individual children’s needs during group activities.

📏 Measurable: I will respond to an individual child’s concern or request for help at least two times during a small group activity.

Focused Observation Video

In the following video, Problem Solving (2:29), Brenda works with a small group of preschool age children playing outside.

Focused Observation Debrief

Wendy Jans explains what a Focused Observation for Responsive Interactions (3:56) could look like for the above educator, including instructive feedback.

Slides available: PBC3-CoachingInteractions-FocusedObsDebrief-ResponsivetoNeeds


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