
Sample Goals

Sample SMART Goal for SGAP Video

📌 Specific: I will improve my mindful listening skills during coaching sessions.

📏 Measurable: I’ll measure my progress on this skill by counting the minutes I talk compared with the number of minutes my coachee talks during a session.

✅ Achievable: I will achieve this goal by using a rubber band and transferring it from one wrist to the other each time I talk. This will be a physical reminder to myself to listen more than talk.

🛝 Ready: I’m ready to implement this goal because I have plenty of rubber bands to use. I’m also very motivated to work on this skill since I’ve noticed I talk more than my coachee and my instructor has given me the same feedback.

⌚ Timebound: This goal will be completed by the next video assignment when I reflect on my use of mindful listening during that coaching session.


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