9 “Revolutionizing Construction: The Synergy of VDC/BIM, Laser Scanning and Dusty Robotics”

Prasad P. Borase


In the fast-paced world of construction, the difference between success and failure often hinges on the efficiency and collaboration of project teams. The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry, characterized by high labor intensity, high safety risks, and low productivity compared to other sectors, faces unique challenges that demand innovative solutions. Traditional construction practices, such as reliance on hand-drawn documentation and fragmented project planning, drain valuable time and resources. To overcome these challenges, the construction industry is increasingly turning to advanced methodologies like Virtual Design and Construction (VDC).

VDC is a cutting-edge approach that integrates digital technologies, 3D modeling, and real-time collaboration to streamline project management and coordination. By creating a digital twin of the physical project, VDC allows stakeholders to visualize, analyze, and optimize every aspect of the construction process from conception to completion. This method significantly enhances design and construction accuracy, reduces costly errors, minimizes rework, and accelerates project timelines. Moreover, VDC empowers construction teams with data-driven decision-making and the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions, setting a new standard for efficiency and quality in the industry.

An essential component of VDC is Building Information Modeling (BIM), which allows the creation of detailed 3D models that serve as a centralized database for the entire lifecycle of a building. This facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration and ensures data quality across all phases of the project. Additionally, modern methods such as laser scanning have become crucial in assessing and managing existing infrastructure. Laser scanning technology enables the accurate and rapid creation of detailed 3D models of structures, providing critical data for the quality assessment (QA) and structural health monitoring of buildings. This technology is particularly valuable for retrofits and extensions of existing structures, including complex and difficult-to-measure objects like old bridges, motorways, and underground tunnels. The integration of laser scanning with BIM enhances the ability to detect defects, assess risks, and ensure the safety and longevity of structures.

Despite the transformative potential of VDC and BIM, the manual layout and construction processes often fail to capture the precision and coordination of these models. This gap is effectively bridged by Dusty Robotics’ innovative solution: the Dusty Robotics FieldPrinter. The FieldPrinter leverages VDC models to automate multi-trade layouts directly on construction site surfaces, ensuring that the precision and coordination of the VDC model are maintained in the actual construction process. This technology brings accuracy, efficiency, and quality from the digital realm into the field.

Rationale for Studying the Case

This case study delves into the synergistic impact of integrating Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) with automated layout technologies within the construction industry. By leveraging insights from an interview with the Director of Virtual Design and Construction at Venture General Contracting LLC, we aim to comprehend these innovations’ practical implications and benefits. The collected data reveals that combining VDC with tools like the Dusty Robotics FieldPrinter markedly streamlines construction processes, enhancing precision and enabling real-time stakeholder collaboration. This integration minimizes errors, reduces rework, optimizes resource allocation, and contributes to improved safety management by preemptively identifying potential hazards. Through this exploration, we endeavor to illuminate the transformative potential of VDC and automated layout technologies in construction practices, setting new standards for project efficiency, accuracy, and safety. By presenting a compelling success story and insights from industry experts, we advocate for embracing digital transformation as a means to achieve unparalleled levels of efficiency, safety, and quality in construction projects.

Furthermore, the collaboration of laser scanning technology with VDC and automated layout technologies significantly enhances project outcomes in the construction industry. Laser scanning provides highly detailed and accurate 3D models of existing structures and construction sites, which can be seamlessly integrated into the VDC environment. This integration allows for better quality assessment, risk management, and lifecycle management of buildings and infrastructure. Laser scanning data aids in detecting defects, assessing structural health, and facilitating more informed decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. By incorporating laser scanning into the VDC framework, construction projects can benefit from improved accuracy, efficiency, and safety, further solidifying the case for embracing digital transformation in the construction industry.


Driven by the urgent need to tackle inefficiencies and safety risks inherent in the construction sector, this study seeks to delve into the transformative potential of integrating state-of-the-art technologies such as Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), Building Information Modeling (BIM), laser scanning, and automated layout tools. Through an in-depth analysis of real-world applications and insights from industry experts, our research aims to instill a sense of urgency and enthusiasm among stakeholders. The primary objective is to bridge the divide between theoretical advancements and practical implementations, thereby ushering in a new era of efficiency, accuracy, and safety in construction practices. By undertaking this comprehensive exploration, we aspire to motivate the construction industry to embrace digital transformation and capitalize on synergistic technologies to revolutionize construction processes and outcomes. Furthermore, drawing inspiration from successful case studies such as Skanska’s utilization of the Dusty Robotics FieldPrinter to complete projects ahead of schedule and under budget, we highlight the significant benefits of integrating VDC and automated layout technologies, offering a promising path forward for the industry.

Purpose and Focus

The purpose of this case study is to comprehensively examine the transformative impact of integrating Dusty Robotics’ FieldPrinter with Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)/Building Information Modeling (BIM) technologies, alongside the collaboration with laser scanning, in revolutionizing construction practices. Our focus is on understanding how these innovative solutions are reshaping traditional construction methods, and enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and safety standards on construction sites.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1)  Explore the integration of Dusty Robotics’ FieldPrinter with VDC/BIM tech to streamline construction, while also examining the role of laser scanning in enhancing project accuracy and efficiency.

2) Uncover benefits like efficiency and safety from Dusty Robotics’ robots integrated with VDC/BIM.

3) Investigate overcoming implementation barriers for Dusty Robotics’ robots with VDC/BIM.

4) provide insights on how Dusty Robotics’ FieldPrinter reshapes construction practices for improved efficiency, accuracy, and safety.




What is VDC/BIM?

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) are closely related methodologies utilized in the construction, design, and engineering sectors to enhance efficiency and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.

BIM refers to a digital representation of a physical building or structure, encompassing its functional characteristics. It serves as a comprehensive database that facilitates information sharing, analysis, and problem-solving. BIM can range from basic 3D models to more advanced levels incorporating scheduling, costs, and the entire project lifecycle.

On the other hand, VDC is a process that utilizes shared models and various technologies to plan all aspects of a construction project comprehensively. This includes scheduling, cost management, and risk assessment. VDC goes beyond the scope of BIM by integrating additional project management components and focusing on collaborative planning and execution. While VDC may incorporate BIM, it is not limited to it, as it can encompass various digital tools and methodologies to optimize project planning and execution.

What is Laser Scanning?

Laser scanning is a technology used to create highly detailed three-dimensional (3D) representations of physical objects or environments. It works by emitting laser beams that measure distances to various points on the object’s surface, generating a point cloud composed of millions of individual points. These points collectively form a precise digital model, capturing the object’s shape, dimensions, and surface characteristics with exceptional accuracy. Laser scanning finds extensive applications in fields such as architecture, engineering, and construction for tasks like 3D reconstructions, geometry quality inspection, construction progress tracking, performance analysis, and safety management.


What is Dusty Robots? 

Dusty Robotics makes machines for construction that can do tasks automatically. Their main product, the FieldPrinter, is a robot that moves around the construction site and helps with laying out things accurately. Dusty Robotics wants to make construction faster, more precise, and safer by using robots.



How does Dusty Robotics’ FieldPrinter revolutionize traditional construction methods?

Construction projects often involve tedious manual tasks like measuring and marking, leading to errors, delays, and added expenses. But Dusty Robotics offers a game-changing solution: the FieldPrinter. By translating digital building plans into precise on-site prints, the FieldPrinter ensures flawless execution from the get-go.

With the FieldPrinter, the laborious process of layout becomes exponentially quicker, expediting project timelines and enabling swift completion. Moreover, its ability to generate layouts for multiple project components simultaneously fosters seamless collaboration among teams, facilitating real-time problem-solving and expediting the construction process. In essence, Dusty Robotics’ innovation not only saves time and minimizes errors but also elevates the overall construction experience.


How does the integration of Dusty Robotics contribute to the advantages of digital transformation in construction?

Attracting Younger Workers:

  • Using digital tools can draw in younger workers who are comfortable with technology.
  • Construction faces a shortage of workers, so having a modern approach can help attract and keep them.

Reducing Mistakes:

  • Traditional methods often led to errors, but new technology can greatly improve accuracy.
  • Fewer mistakes mean better quality work and happier clients.

Saving Time and Money:

  • Digital tools streamline communication and project management, saving both time and resources.
  • Access to real-time project data and automated workflows helps teams work together more efficiently, cutting down on delays and unnecessary work.

Improving Safety:

  • Technology automates dangerous tasks and provides real-time monitoring, making job sites safer.
  • By using digital advancements, construction companies can prevent accidents and create a safer    environment for workers.


What are the steps involved in setting up Dusty Robotics’ robots on a construction site?

To use the FieldPrinter system, you need two things: a control point file and the model info you want to print on the floor. The control point file tells the system where it is in the 2D space of the job site. It’s like giving it a map so it knows where to go. The model info can be in either DWG or CSV format. This is the digital blueprint of what you want to build. It could be walls, pipes, or anything else you need to lay out. So, basically you give the system its location and the plans of what you want to build, and it does the rest, printing everything accurately on the floor.


Collaboration of dusty robots with software

Using CAD

The FieldPrinter is pretty versatile. It can print out points, text, and lines right from a CAD file. Think of it like a high-tech printer for construction sites. You give it the plans, and it prints them out on the floor. But here’s the cool part: you can customize how it prints things. So, if you want to highlight different parts of the building, like walls or plumbing, you can do that. For example, you can make walls show up in one style, and plumbing in another. This makes it super easy for the construction crew to see what goes where. In short, the FieldPrinter takes your CAD files and turns them into clear, easy-to-follow guides for building stuff.


The precision and coordination of VDC models often got lost in the manual layout and construction process. However, Dusty Robotics’ FieldPrinter changes this narrative. Through automated multi-trade layout capabilities, it maximizes the advantages of VDC, seamlessly integrating the accuracy, collaboration, and trust inherent in VDC directly onto the construction site. By harnessing your VDC model, the FieldPrinter autonomously prints the coordinated layout onto the construction site surface, ensuring that the constructed reality aligns precisely with the initial design. This automated printing process ensures that layout and installation maintain the same level of accuracy, efficiency, and quality as the meticulously optimized VDC model.


Collaboration of Laser scanning and VDC/BIM

The collaboration between laser scanning and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)/Building Information Modeling (BIM) revolutionizes construction practices by enhancing project accuracy, efficiency, and safety. Laser scanning captures precise three-dimensional (3D) data of existing structures or construction sites, providing a detailed representation of the physical environment. This data can then be integrated seamlessly into VDC/BIM workflows, enriching the digital models with real-world information. By incorporating laser scanning data into VDC/BIM models, construction teams can visualize and analyze existing conditions with unprecedented accuracy, facilitating better decision-making and reducing project risks. Furthermore, the combination of laser scanning and VDC/BIM enables clash detection, progress tracking, and quality assurance throughout the project lifecycle. Overall, this collaboration empowers construction professionals to optimize project planning, streamline coordination, minimize errors, and ensure the successful delivery of projects within budget and schedule constraints.




Learnings from the interview



Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is a comprehensive process that employs advanced digital technologies to plan, design, construct, and manage building projects. It integrates various dimensions of project data, including 3D models, scheduling (4D), cost estimates (5D), and lifecycle management (6D), optimizing every phase of a construction project.


  1. Enhanced Project Visualization: VDC offers detailed 3D models that provide clear project visualization, aiding stakeholders in understanding the project scope and making informed decisions.
  2. Improved Collaboration: VDC fosters seamless communication and collaboration among all project participants. A shared digital platform allows real-time collaboration among architects, engineers, contractors, and clients, improving coordination and reducing misunderstandings.
  3. Increased Efficiency and Accuracy: VDC enhances construction process accuracy by minimizing errors and reducing rework. Precise digital models and simulations enable better planning and execution, leading to more efficient resource and time usage.
  4. Better Risk Management: VDC’s ability to simulate construction scenarios and analyze potential risks allows for proactive risk management, enhancing safety and reducing costly delays and complications.
  5. Cost and Time Savings: VDC streamlines workflows and optimizes processes, resulting in significant cost and time savings. Real-time data integration and automated workflows help keep projects on schedule and within budget.
  6. Lifecycle Management: VDC includes the entire lifecycle of the building, from construction to maintenance, operations, and future modifications. This holistic perspective ensures sustainable and manageable buildings.


Inspiring innovation within a virtual design team involves creating an environment that encourages creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning. Here are some key strategies and a specific instance where leadership led to breakthroughs and notable improvements:

Strategies to Inspire Innovation

  1. Fostering a Collaborative Culture:
  •  Encourage open communication and regular brainstorming sessions.
  • Utilize collaborative tools and platforms for seamless idea sharing.
  • Promote a culture where every team member feels valued and their ideas are heard.
  1. Providing Learning Opportunities:
  • Offer access to training programs, workshops, and industry conferences.
  • Encourage team members to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in VDC and BIM.
  1. Empowering Team Members:
  • Delegate responsibilities and trust team members to make decisions.
  • Create small cross-functional teams to tackle specific challenges or projects.
  1. Setting Clear Goals and Expectations:
  • Define clear objectives and desired outcomes for projects.
  • Align individual goals with the overall mission and vision of the organization.
  1. Encouraging Risk-Taking and Experimentation:
  • Promote a safe environment for taking calculated risks and learning from failures.
  • Celebrate innovative ideas and successful experiments.

Specific Instance of Leadership Cultivating Breakthroughs

Project Background:

During a large-scale commercial building project, our team faced significant challenges related to coordinating complex mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems within a tight construction schedule.

Leadership Approach:

  1. Initiating Collaborative Brainstorming:
  •  I organized a series of brainstorming sessions involving the VDC team, MEP engineers, and on-site supervisors. The goal was to identify pain points and generate innovative solutions.
  1. Empowering a Cross-Functional Task Force:
  • A task force was created comprising members from different disciplines. Each member was given the autonomy to experiment with new tools and techniques.
  • The task force was tasked with developing a more efficient method for MEP coordination using advanced BIM tools.
  1. Providing Resources and Support:
  • I ensured that the team had access to the latest BIM software and provided additional training on advanced features.
  • Continuous support and feedback were provided throughout the process.

Breakthrough and Notable Improvements:

  1. Development of an Automated Clash Detection System:
  • The task force developed an automated clash detection system using BIM software, which significantly reduced the time spent on identifying and resolving conflicts between MEP systems.
  1. Implementation of Prefabrication Techniques:
  • Leveraging the detailed 3D models, the team proposed using prefabrication for certain MEP components.
  1. Enhanced Real-Time Collaboration:
  • The team implemented a cloud-based collaboration platform that allowed real-time updates and communication between on-site and off-site teams.
  • This platform improved decision-making speed and reduced miscommunication, leading to smoother project execution.


Challenges Occurred during the project

Complex MEP Coordination


Coordinating the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems within the tight confines of the building’s design posed a significant challenge. The complexity of the systems and their interdependencies increased the risk of clashes and inefficiencies.


  • Automated Clash Detection: We developed an automated clash detection system using advanced BIM tools. This system quickly identified conflicts between MEP components, allowing us to resolve them before construction began.
  • Prefabrication: We implemented prefabrication techniques for certain MEP components, which reduced the on-site installation time and improved the overall coordination process.


  1. Tight Construction Schedule


The project had a stringent timeline, which put pressure on the team to complete tasks efficiently without compromising quality.


  • Real-Time Collaboration: We adopted a cloud-based collaboration platform that enabled real-time communication and updates between on-site and off-site teams. This improved decision-making speed and reduced delays.
  • Lean Construction Practices: We incorporated lean construction practices to streamline workflows, minimize waste, and optimize resource utilization.
  1. Ensuring Accurate As-Built Documentation


Accurate documentation of as-built conditions was crucial for future maintenance and renovations, but traditional methods were time-consuming and prone to errors.


  • Laser Scanning: We utilized laser scanning technology to create precise and detailed 3D models of the existing structure. This provided comprehensive documentation of as-built conditions, facilitating accurate planning and design.
  • BIM Integration: The laser scan data was integrated into our BIM models, ensuring that the as-built documentation was accurate and easily accessible for all stakeholders.
  1. Managing Stakeholder Expectations


Aligning the diverse expectations of various stakeholders, including clients, contractors, and regulatory bodies, was challenging, especially given the project’s complexity and scale.


  • Transparent Communication: We maintained open and transparent communication channels with all stakeholders, providing regular updates and addressing concerns promptly.
  • Interactive BIM Models: We used interactive BIM models to visually demonstrate project progress and design intent, helping stakeholders understand and align with the project’s goals.
  1. Adapting to Technological Changes


Implementing new technologies like advanced BIM tools and laser scanning required the team to quickly adapt and upskill.


  • Training and Support: We provided comprehensive training sessions and ongoing support to ensure that all team members were comfortable with the new technologies.
  • Pilot Testing: Before full-scale implementation, we conducted pilot tests to refine our approach and address any technical issues.

Integration of VDC Methods and Dusty Robotics in Construction

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) and Dusty Robotics’ FieldPrinter epitomize the cutting-edge convergence of digital design and automated execution, poised to transform construction industry practices. Here’s an in-depth look at how their collaboration can streamline construction processes and yield superior project results.

  1. Enhanced Accuracy and Precision


  • VDC offers highly detailed digital models and precise project specifications.
  • Dusty Robotics translates these digital plans into exact on-site layouts through automated printing.


  • Reduces manual errors in layout processes.
  • Ensures that physical construction aligns precisely with digital models, maintaining design integrity.
  1. Improved Efficiency and Time Savings


  • VDC optimizes the planning and coordination of construction activities.
  • Dusty Robotics accelerates the layout process by automating the marking of construction elements.


  • Speeds up initial construction stages, shortening overall project timelines.
  • Facilitates faster transitions between different construction phases, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  1. Seamless Collaboration and Communication


  • VDC fosters real-time collaboration among architects, engineers, and contractors via a shared digital platform.
  • Dusty Robotics executes these collaborative decisions on-site with precision.


  • Enhances communication and understanding among all stakeholders.
  • Reduces misunderstandings and misalignments between design and field execution, fostering a cohesive project environment.
  1. Enhanced Quality Control


  • VDC models incorporate comprehensive quality control measures and standards.
  • Dusty Robotics ensure these standards are maintained by executing layouts with high precision.


  • Minimizes rework by ensuring accuracy in initial execution.
  • Guarantees adherence to design specifications and quality standards, enhancing overall project quality.
  1. Risk Management and Safety


  • VDC allows for advanced risk assessment and mitigation planning.
  • Dusty Robotics implement safety measures by accurately marking hazard zones and critical areas.


  • Reduces safety risks on-site by providing clear and precise markings.
  • Enhances overall site safety through the precise execution of safety plans, contributing to a safer working environment.
  1. Cost Savings


  • VDC optimizes resource allocation and project scheduling.
  • Dusty Robotics reduce labor costs associated with manual layout tasks.


  • Lowers overall project costs by reducing labor and rework expenses.
  • Improves budget adherence through efficient and precise execution, leading to cost-effective project delivery.
  1. Real-Time Data and Analytics


  • VDC systems offer real-time data and analytics for informed decision-making.
  • Dusty Robotics can feed back real-time layout data, ensuring continuous alignment with VDC plans.


  • Enhances data-driven decision-making on-site.
  • Allows for continuous improvement and adjustment based on real-time feedback, ensuring ongoing alignment with project goals.


Skanska and Dusty Robotics’ Case Study

In this case study, Skanska, a leading construction company, partnered with Dusty Robotics to implement an advanced robotic layout system for a three-story, 70,000 square-foot mixed-use medical facility in northern California. The objective was to increase accuracy, optimize schedules, and reduce rework by automating the printing of multi-trade layout.

Key Achievements:

  • Increased Accuracy
  • 100% accuracy in layout printing, significantly reducing errors.
  • Optimized Schedules
  • 50% reduction in layout printing times by printing multiple CAD layers simultaneously.
  • Reduced Rework
  • 75% reduction in rework due to accurate and precise layouts.
  • Time Savings
  • 3+ weeks saved in project time by eliminating manual methods and enabling simultaneous trade layouts.
  • Enhanced Collaboration
  • Improved communication and coordination among trade partners with a single source of truth for multi-trade layout.
  • Improved Worker Safety and Efficiency
  • Reduced physical strain on workers, improving safety and allowing skilled labor to focus on complex tasks, thus enhancing productivity.

The increased accuracy, optimized schedules, reduced rework, time savings, and enhanced collaboration ultimately lead to cost savings by minimizing errors, improving efficiency, and streamlining construction processes.

Comprehensive Solution:

The Dusty FieldPrinter went beyond traditional layout functions. It printed clean walls, and hangers, and could maneuver close to edges, pipes, and behind obstacles. It also printed lines with embedded text, characters, and codes in multiple styles and colors, providing clear and detailed instructions. This functionality ensured that the printed layouts were not only accurate but also easily interpretable by all trades involved in the project

Real-World Impact:

  • Joe Rogers from Prime Electric highlighted the substantial man-hour savings, noting that the robot replaced the need for a worker to manually layout thousands of points on a floor, saving at least 40 man-hours.
  • Jeremy Cortesio, Project Executive at Skanska, emphasized the value added by printing layout for multiple trades simultaneously. This approach not only optimized the workflow but also maximized the project’s efficiency and effectiveness.


The collaboration between Skanska and Dusty Robotics demonstrates the transformative impact of integrating advanced robotic technology into construction practices. The Dusty FieldPrinter significantly improved the accuracy, efficiency, and safety of the layout process, leading to substantial time and cost savings. By automating the multi-trade layout printing, Skanska was able to streamline construction workflows, reduce rework, and enhance collaboration among trade partners. This case study underscores the potential of robotic automation to revolutionize construction processes, delivering higher quality outcomes and setting new standards for industry best practices.


In conclusion, the interview with Helio Monteiro underscores the transformative potential of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) in revolutionizing construction industry practices. Through advanced digital technologies and innovative strategies, VDC offers enhanced project visualization, improved collaboration, increased efficiency and accuracy, better risk management, cost and time savings, and comprehensive lifecycle management. Monteiro’s leadership exemplifies effective innovation cultivation by fostering a collaborative culture, providing learning opportunities, empowering team members, setting clear goals, and encouraging risk-taking. Furthermore, challenges such as complex MEP coordination and tight construction schedules were effectively addressed through solutions like automated clash detection, real-time collaboration platforms, and laser scanning for accurate as-built documentation. Integration of VDC with Dusty Robotics’ FieldPrinter further enhances accuracy, efficiency, collaboration, quality control, safety, cost savings, and real-time data analytics in construction projects. Overall, Monteiro’s insights highlight the pivotal role of VDC in driving efficiency, sustainability, and excellence in construction endeavors.

The case study of Skanska’s collaboration with Dusty Robotics exemplifies the transformative potential of integrating advanced robotic technology into construction practices. By implementing the Dusty FieldPrinter for multi-trade layout printing, Skanska achieved remarkable improvements in accuracy, efficiency, and safety. The FieldPrinter’s precision and automation significantly reduced errors, streamlined workflows, and optimized project schedules, leading to substantial time and cost savings. Moreover, the enhanced collaboration among trade partners facilitated by the FieldPrinter fostered a cohesive project environment and minimized misunderstandings. The real-world impact highlighted by industry professionals underscores the tangible benefits of robotic automation in construction, from substantial man-hour savings to improved project efficiency and effectiveness. Overall, Skanska’s successful integration of Dusty Robotics’ technology underscores the potential of innovative solutions to revolutionize traditional construction methods, delivering superior project outcomes and setting new standards for efficiency, accuracy, and safety in the industry.

Media Attributions

  • laser scanning1
  • flowchart


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2024 Innovation in the Construction Industry Copyright © 2024 by Prasad P. Borase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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